To play MP3 songs:To play MP3 songs:
To play MP3 songs:To play MP3 songs:
To play MP3 songs:
1. Connect your earphone to the camera.
2. Set the camera to
MP3 modeMP3 mode
MP3 modeMP3 mode
MP3 mode .
3. Use the 4-Way Toggle Control on the front
of the camera to adjust the volume. Press the
Up Arrow ( ) to increase the volume level,
or press the Down Arrow ( ) to decrease
the volume level.
4. Use the 4-Way Toggle Control also to select
the MP3 song you want to play. Press Right
(+) to select the next song, or press Left (-)
to select the previous song.
5. To play the selected MP3 song, press the
Shutter Release button.
To pause or resume playback, press the Shut-
ter Release button again.
6. To stop the playback, press the Erase/Stop
button located on the front panel.
Press to increase
the volume level
Press to go
forward and select
the next
recorded audio
Press to
the volume
Press to
go backward
and select the
recorded audio
Press to toggle
between audio
recording and
LCD Panel in MP3 ModeLCD Panel in MP3 Mode
LCD Panel in MP3 ModeLCD Panel in MP3 Mode
LCD Panel in MP3 Mode
MP3 Song Number/
the volume level
Battery Power
Using e-mini M as an Audio Recorder
Another outstanding feature of the e-mini M is
its built-in audio recorder, which allows you to
record notes, interviews with other people,
lectures, or conferences. You can record and
then play back the audio in the camera, as well
as transferring the recorded content to your PC.
Recording Controls
Set the camera to Audio Mode ( ) when
you want to use the audio recording feature.
Use the Shutter Release button and the 4-Way
Toggle control located on the front of the cam-
era to start, pause and stop the recording, play
the recorded audio, or erase the audio.