Setting a Measurement Condition
Selecting a Color Space
Turn B to select the desired color space, then press A.
Locating the highlighted cursor to
by turning B will display
the next page of the color space list.
Locating the highlighted cursor to
by turning B will display
the previous page of the color space
• L*a*b*, E*: L*a*b* color space and color difference by “ E*ab (CIE1976)” color-difference formula
• L*C*h, E*: L*C*h color space and color difference by “ E*ab (CIE1976)” color-difference formula
• L*C*h, CMC1:1: L*C*h color space and color difference by “CMC1:1” color-difference formula
• L*C*h, CMC2:1: L*C*h color space and color difference by “CMC2:1” color-difference formula
• XYZ: XYZ color space
• L*C*h, CIE94: L*C*h color space and color difference by “ E*
(CIE1994)” color-difference formula
• Hunter Lab: Hunter Lab
• Yxy: Yxz color space
• MUNSELL: Munsell color notation
• WI ASTM E313: Whiteness (ASTM E313-73)
• WI CIE: Whiteness Index
• YI ASTM E313: Yellowness Index (ASTM E313-73)
• YI ASTM D1925: Yellowness Index (ASTM D1925)
• B ISO 2470: ISO Brightness
• DENSITY (A): Density (status A)
• DENSITY (T): Density (status T)
• Wl, Tint Ganz: Whiteness Index and Tint value (Ganz & Griesser)
• Wl, Tint CIE: Whiteness Index and Tint value (CIE)
• L*a*b*, CIE00: L*a*b* color space and color difference by “ E*
(CIE2000)” color-difference formula
• L*C*h, CIE00: L*C*h color space and color difference by “ E*
(CIE2000)” color-difference formula
• If L*a*b* or L*C*h is selected as the color space, DIFF&ABS or PASS/FAIL as the display mode
and ILLUMINANT 1 or ILLUMINAT 2 as the illuminant, it will be possible to calculate MI (meta
merism index) and display the result.
• Even if “WI, Tint Ganz” is selected, no data for WI and Tint (Ganz/Griesser) will be displayed when
using SpectraMagic NX or the previously used software SpectraMagic Ver.3.2 or higher (except for
Ver. 3.5), unless the proper Ganz coefficient has been specified and UV ADJUSTED is selected in the
UV SETTING in the Measurement Condition Setting.
In addition, if the Ganz coefficient is re-specified after measurement, the measurement data will be
replaced with the one that is calculated based on that Ganz coefficient.