OTHER CONTROLS CF5001 Ver.1.0 Sep. 2003
D. C (BK)
This counts up in conjunction with the paper exit counter.
E. C (K)
This counts up in conjunction with the paper exit counter.
F. Signals in serial connection
G. Signals for status indicator lights
Connector Pin No. Signal name In/Out Description
37 1 OP_SOUT Out Open collector output (LS07)
2 OP_DTR Out Open collector output (LS07)
3 OP_CTS In 5 V Pull up
4 OP_SIN In 5 V Pull up
5 OP_DSR In 5 V Pull up
6 OP_RTS Out Open collector output (LS07)
7 SGND — Signal ground
8 COPV_ENB In 5 V Pull up
9 24 VDC — Power supplied to the vendor
10 PGND — Power ground
11 5 VDC — Power supplied to the vendor
Connector Pin No. Signal name Description Output timing Type of signal
391 1A DC24V Power source of
status indicator
At all times 24 V,
500 mA
9B PGND Power ground — —
2A PAT1 Light on signal L signal outputted when print is
Open collec-
5 V, 200 mA
3A PAT2 L signal outputted while scanner or
printer in operation
4A PAT3 L signal outputted when stopped
abnormally due to jamming, abnor-
mal code, no paper or no toner
5A PAT4 L signal outputted when a toner
supply warning is displayed