C550 11-10
11.5 Glossary
Term Definition
An Ethernet standard, which is a cable consisting of twisted copper
wire pairs. The transmission speed of 10Base-T is 10 Mbps, of
100Base-TX is 100 Mbps, and of 1000Base-T is 1000 Mbps.
Software developed by Adobe Systems, Inc. (formarly developed by
Macromedia, Inc.), and used to create data combining vector-graph-
ic animation and sound, and the format of this data file. The bidirec-
tional content can be manipulated using a keyboard and a mouse.
The files can be kept relatively compact, and they can be accessed
with the Web browser plug-in.
AppleTalk A generic name for the protocol suite developed by Apple Computer
for computer networking.
bit Abbreviation for Binary Digit. The smallest unit of information (data
quantity) on a computer or printer. Displays data using 0 or 1.
BMP Abbreviation for Bitmap. A file format for saving image data which
uses the .bmp extension. Commonly used on Windows platforms.
You can specify the color depth from monochrome (2 values) to full
color (16,777,216 colors). Images are not usually compressed when
Bonjour Macintosh network technology for automatically detecting devices
connected to the network and for specifying settings. Previously
called “Rendezvous”, the name was changed to “Bonjour” starting
with Mac OS X v10.4.
BOOTP Abbreviation for Bootstrap Protocol. A protocol in which a client
computer on a TCP/IP network automatically specifies the network
settings from the server. Currently, DHCP, which is an advanced
protocol based on BOOTP, is mainly used.
Brightness Brightness of a display screen
Byte Unit of information (data quantity) on a computer or printer. Config-
ured as 1 byte equals 8 bits.
Client A computer that uses the services provided by a server through a
CMYK Abbreviation for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. The colors in the
toner and ink used for color printing can all be represented by
changing the mixing ratio of the four colors of CMYK.
Color matching Technology for decreasing the difference in color among different
devices such as scanners, displays, and printers.
Default gateway A device, such as a computer or router, used as a “gateway” to ac-
cess computers not on the same LAN.
DHCP Abbreviation for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A protocol in
which a client computer on a TCP/IP network automatically specifies
the network settings from the server. With collective management of
the IP address for DHCP clients on the DHCP server, you can avoid
duplication of an address and you can build a network easily.