Setting up the fax driver (Windows)
Fax Driver 3-29
– A new phone book can be created by clicking “New” from the “File”
menu in the Phone Book Entry dialog box. You can save a file under
a different name by clicking “Save As” from the “File” menu.
– The file extension for the phone book files is “.csv”.
3.8.2 Editing a phone book
You can easily change the personal information that was registered, change
the group names, edit, or organize the phone books.
To change the personal information:
Select the name you want to change from “Personal List” on the left side of
the dialog box, and then click the [Edit] button on the right. The same Per-
sonal Information\\Personal List dialog box that appeared when you regis-
tered the phone book appears, allowing you to change the information.
You can select the name that you want to change from “Personal List” on the
left side of the dialog box, and you can delete a recipient by clicking the [De-
lete] button on the right. If a recipient is deleted, it is also deleted from the
registered group.