About PageScope Web Connection96
About PageScope Web Connection
This chapter provides information on
PageScope Web Connection, an
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Proto-
col)-based web page that resides in
your printer and that you can access
using your Web browser.
This page gives you instant access
to printer status and the most fre-
quently used printer configuration
options. Anyone on your network
can access the printer using their
web browser software. In addition,
with the proper password, you can
change the configuration of the printer without leaving your PC.
" Users who are not given passwords by the administrator can still view
the configuration settings and options but are not able to save or apply
Display Language
The language used in the PageScope Web Connection screens is specified
from the printer’s control panel. For details on specifying the display lan-
guage, refer to the User’s Guide (CD-ROM) provided with the printer.
To use PageScope Web Connection, the following is required:
Windows Server 2003/XP/2000/Me/98SE/NT4.0, MacOS X, Linux
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 or later
Netscape Navigator version 7.1 or later
Safari version 1.0 or later
" You do not need an Internet connection.
TCP/IP communication software (used by PageScope Web Connection)
installed on your PC
A network, to which both your PC and the printer are connected
" You cannot access PageScope Web Connection using a local
(USB) connection. If your PC and printer are connected via a USB
cable, use the Status Display.