Consumer Service: 1.800.453.7673
AAvvooiidd sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy ffrroomm ffaalllliinngg oorr sslliiddiinngg oouutt.. AAllwwaayyss uussee RReessttrraaiinntt SSyysstteemm..
Your ch
ild's safety depends on you. Proper stroller use cannot be assured unless
you follow these instructions. DO NOT USE STROLLER UNTIL YOU READ AND
HHooww ttoo KKeeeepp YYoouurr CChhiilldd SSaaffee WWhhiillee UUssiinngg tthhiiss SSttrroolllleerr
AAdduulltt AAsssseemmbbllyy RReeqquuiirreedd..
NNeevveerr lleeaavvee yyoouurr cchhiilldd uunnaatttteennddeedd wwhhiillee iinn ssttrroolllleerr..
Accidents can happen
quickly while your back is turned. You must always keep your child in view while
your child is in the stroller, even when sleeping. Do not use this product as a bed.
Your child may become tangled in straps or pads and suffocate.
AAllwwaayyss uussee rreessttrraaiinntt ssyysstteemm ttoo kkeeeepp cchhiilldd ffrroomm ssttaannddiinngg uupp oorr ffaalllliinngg oouutt ooff
tthhee ssttrroolllleerr..
AAllwwaayyss lloocckk tthhee ssttrroolllleerr ooppeenn bbeeffoorree aalllloowwiinngg yyoouurr cchhiilldd iinn oorr nneeaarr tthhee ssttrroolllleerr..
TThhiiss pprreevveennttss iinnjjuurriieess ccaauusseedd bbyy ssttrroolllleerr ccoollllaappssiinngg..
• Only use this stroller with children who each weigh less than 40 lbs. (18.14 kg)
and whose head rests below the top of the seat back. Use by larger children may
damage the stroller, or cause a hazardous unstable condition to exist. Use this
stroller in the reclined position until child can sit up unassisted.
AAllwwaayyss sseett tthhee wwhheeeell bbrraakkeess wwhheenn ssttrroolllleerr iiss nnoott mmoovviinngg,, eessppeecciiaallllyy oonn aann
. This prevents the stroller from rolling away.
• Always place the child in the front seat before placing another in the back seat.
When removing children, always remove the child in the back seat first before
removing the child in the front. Failure to do so may cause the stroller to become
unstable and tip.
WWhhaatt ttoo AAvvooiidd WWhhii
llee UUssiinngg tthhiiss SSttrroolllleerr
AAllwwaayyss bbaallaannccee tthhee wweeiigghhtt ooff tthhee ssttrroolllleerr eevveennllyy..
Do not place parcels or
accessory items on the stroller canopy, seat, or over the handle. Do not allow
children to play with or hang onto the stroller.
NNeevveerr uussee tthhiiss ssttrroolllleerr oonn ssttaaiirrwwaayyss oorr eessccaallaattoorrss..
TThhiiss iiss nnoott aann eexxeerrcciissee ssttrroolllleerr!!
Do not use this product while running, jogging,
in-line skating or participating in other athletic activities.
TTaakkee ccaarree wwhheenn ffoollddiinngg aanndd uunnffoollddiinngg ttoo pprreevveenntt ffiinnggeerr ppiinncchhiinngg..
MMaakkee ssuurree cchhiillddrreenn aarree cclleeaarr ooff aannyy mmoovviinngg ppaarrttss
if you adjust the stroller,
otherwise they may be injured.
allow children to climb into stroller unassisted. Stroller may tip over and
injure child.
• Only use replacement parts supplied by the manufacturer.
DDOO NNOOTT ppuutt cchhiilldd iinn bbaasskkeett..
DDOO NNOOTT lliifftt bbyy ttrraayy//bbaarr oorr ttooyyss..
Continued on next page
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