Troubleshooting Procedures (cont.)
Symptoms Probable Causes Recommended Action
13. Noise level from pump
has increased and/or
airjet performance has
A. The check valve is
A. Tap the check valve with a
screwdriver handle. Restart the
system. If the symptoms have
ceased, the check valve does not
need to be replaced.
B. The check valve needs to be
B. Remove the check valve from the
check valve assembly. Reassemble
the check valve assembly without
the check valve. Restart the system.
If the system properly functions
without the check valve, the check
valve needs to be replaced. For
safety, reinstall the malfunctioning
check valve until a replacement
check valve can be installed.
For Baths with Chromatherapy
Symptoms Probable Causes Recommended Action
14. Chromatherapy lights do
not work.
A. Loose, disconnected or damaged
A. Check wiring for proper
connections. Replace wiring if
necessary. Refer to your installer or
wholesale dealer.
B. Control does not work. B. Replace control. Refer to your
installer or wholesale dealer.
Kohler Co. 13 1038265-5-B