Troubleshooting (cont.)
Symptoms Probable Causes Recommended Action
C. Not enough water in whirlpool. C. Fill whirlpool so water level
sensors are covered.
D. User keypad does not work. D. Replace user keypad.
E. Power from pump motor to
control is off.
E. Check for loose connections or
wires leading from pump motor to
F. Backjet pipe is blocked. F. Remove blockage.
G. Switch wire from switch to
control is disconnected.
G. Reconnect or replace switch wires
that use modular plug.
19. Backjets do not pulse. A. Pulse cannister does not work. A. Check for loose connections or
wires leading from pulse cannister
to control. Replace pulse canister or
control if necessary.
Troubleshooting the Effervescence Jets
Symptoms Probable Causes Recommended Action
20. Effervescence ports do not
A. Whirlpool pump is not
A. Turn on pump.
B. Butterfly valve does not work. B. Replace butterfly valve.
C. Pump does not work. C. Refer to the Service Manual to
troubleshoot the system.
D. Control does not work. D. Replace control.
21. Effervescence ports do not
A. Air intake on suction line is
A. Remove blockage.
B. Water flow is too low. B. Increase water flow.
Troubleshooting the Chromatherapy Lights
Symptoms Probable Causes Recommended Action
22. Chromatherapy lights do
not work.
A. Loose, disconnected or damaged
A. Check wiring for proper
connections. Replace wiring if
B. Control does not work. B. Replace control.
Kohler Co. 17 1199250-2-A