All commands consist of 3 alpha characters followed by a request, all enclosed in parentheses.
The request can be a read request (indicated by a “?”) or a write request (indicated by 1 to 4
ASCII digits).
A read request format (AAA?) where
( starts the command
AAA denotes the command
? denotes the read request
) ends the command
A read command returns the range and the current setting, for example:
Function Command Response
Brightness (BRT?) (0-22,10)
Lamp hours (LMP?) 0-9999,421)
A write request example: (AAA####) where
( starts the command
AAA denotes the command
#### denotes the value to be written (leading in zeros not necessary)
) ends the command
Some commands have ranges, while others are absolute. If a number greater than the maximum
range is received, it is automatically set to the maximum number for that function. If a command
is received that is not understood, a “?” is returned. With absolute settings, “0” is off, 1-999 is on.
The one exception is the Power command, where 0 is off and 1 is on.
Function Command Response
Brightness (BRT10) Sets brightness to 10
Power (PWR0) Turns power off
Power (PWR1) Turns power on
Power (PWR9999) ?