The Keystone DVS-V Vision
Screener represents the fifth gen-
eration of electro/mechanical
vision test instruments. All func-
tions are under push button con-
trol… for unparalleled ease and
reliability of operation. Com-
pletely self contained, the unit
operates from standard 110-120
volt AC power. It’s light in
weight, unusually compact, and
can go wherever it’s needed.
Basic Instrument Features
The test subject’s forehead
should rest lightly against this
specially designed strip.
Lighting System
Tests are illuminated by two
long-life Daylight LED lamps
that virtually assure that the
lamps will never fail or need to
be changed during the life of the
Far Point System
Far test distances are created
using single-segment, hard resin
lenses. Test targets appear at the
precise equivalent of twenty feet.
Optical Sensor
This exclusive accessory device
assures that a test subject’s head
is properly positioned in the in-
strument. If it is not, the target
illumination lamps will not light
and no test can be conducted.
This also increases energy effi-
ciency and extends lamp life. If
desired, the sensor can be over-
ridden using the Elliptech Hand
Power Switch
The off-on power control is lo-
cated on the rear of the instru-
ment case.
Elliptech Control Unit
Puts test operations under push
button command.
To eliminate electrical and heat
hazards, power for the DVS-V is
converted to 12 volts dc. A UL-
listed wall transformer is sup-
plied as an integral part of the
power cord.
Light and Compact
Only 10” wide, 15-1/2” long and
6-1/2” high, the DVS-V is a
space saver that requires little
more than a square foot of desk
area. Total unit weight is less
than 11 pounds.
Peripheral Vision Test
Light emitting diode target lamps
between the lenses and recessed
in the temple areas of the view-
ing head, measure horizontal
peripheral visual fields. They
are positioned so eyeglass frames
will not interfere with testing.
Storage Area
A convenient storage area, ac-
cessible from the rear, is built
into the base of the instrument.
The control unit, transformer,
and record forms may be stored
there when the DVS-V is not in
The DVS-V Test Instrument
The DVS-V adjusts effort-
lessly to the eye level of any
test subject. It pivots through
a 63 degree arc with free-
floating action fully con-
trolled by the subject. (When
not in use, a magnetic catch
holds the unit closed.)
Important Notice: The in-
strument is held closed by a
magnetic latch. To free the
latch, place thumbs on the top
edge of the base and press up
on the bottom of chassis (see
DO NOT lift up by the black
eye shield assembly.