
Optional Accessories
Available .............................. 104
Installation ............................. 97
Connection (ACC 2) ............... 95
Operation ............................... 52
Packet Cluster Tune .................... 53
Packet Radio
Built-in TNC ........................... 49
DCD Sense............................ 50
Preparation ............................ 50
Connection (ACC 2) ............... 95
Operation ............................... 52
Partial Reset ............................... 92
PF key .................................... 8, 77
Phones ................................3, 8, 78
Pitch, RX Frequency ................... 30
Connecting DC
Supply Connection ................... 2
Switching ON/OFF ............4, 6, 8
TX.......................................... 79
Pre-amplifier ........................... 8, 57
Program Scan ............................. 67
Partially Slowed ..................... 67
keys ....................... (See PF key)
VFO ....................................... 62
Quick Data Transfer
Equipment, Compatible .......... 80
Equipment, Connection .......... 80
Equipment, Needed ............... 80
Using ..................................... 80
Quick Menu
Programming the ................... 21
Using the ............................... 21
Quick QSY .................................. 37
Radio Teletypewriting ....(See RTTY)
RC-2000 ..................................... 98
Reverse Function ........................ 34
Repeater Offset, Automatic ......... 34
Repeater Operation .................... 32
Full ........................................ 92
Partial .................................... 92
RF Gain ...................................... 18
Rise Time of CW ......................... 77
RIT ............................................. 38
Bandwidth .............................. 55
Connection (RTTY, ACC 2) .... 95
Operation ............................... 51
Tone ...................................... 51
RX DSP Equalizer....................... 78
RX Pitch Frequency .................... 30
Satellite Operation
Basic Operation ..................... 53
Changing the Frequency Band
.............................................. 54
Checking the Uplink Frequency
.............................................. 54
Quick Memory in Satellite Mode
.............................................. 54
Recalling a Satellite Memory
Channel ................................. 54
Satellite Channel Name ......... 54
Storing Satellite Memory
Channels ............................... 54
Using XIT/ RIT in Satellite Mode
.............................................. 54
All-Channel ............................ 68
Call ........................................ 69
Carrier-operated mode ........... 68
Group .................................... 69
Hold ....................................... 68
Lockout .................................. 62
Memory, All-Channel .............. 68
Memory, Group ...................... 69
Program................................. 67
Start/End Frequencies ........... 62
Time-operated mode .............. 68
Visual..............................70, 103
Send ......................................5, 7, 8
Sensitivity ................................. 103
Changing, the Volume ............ 44
Pitch . (See Pitch, RX Frequency)
Slow Scan TV ...............(See SSTV)
Speaker, Separate Output ........... 78
Specifications ............................ 106
Speech Processor....................... 40
Split-Frequency Operation .......... 31
Squelch, Adjusting ...................... 19
Squelch Hang Time..................... 78
SSB, Transmission...................... 28
SSTV .......................................... 52
Activating the ..................45, 103
Adjusting the AF Gain ............ 46
Adjusting the Squelch ............ 46
Attenuator .............................. 47
Automatic Simplex Check ...... 48
Controlling the ........................ 45
DCS Code ID Scan ................ 46
Dual Watch ............................ 47
FM CTCSS Operation ............ 46
FM DCS Operation ................ 46
FM Repeater Operation ......... 47
Memory ................................. 48
Microphone Gain ................... 47
Noise Reduction .................... 47
Panel Meter ........................... 46
Pre-amplifier .......................... 47
Reverse Function ................... 47
Scan ...................................... 47
Selecting a Band .................... 45
Selecting a Frequency ........... 46
Selecting a Mode ................... 46
Selecting a Transmit Power .... 47
Tone Freq. ID Scan ................ 46
Transmitting ........................... 47
Transmitting a Tone ................ 48
S-Meter Squelch ......................... 78
TF-SET ....................................... 31
TNC Command List ................... 110
Time-operated mode ................... 68
Time-out Timer ............................ 78
Activating the Function ........... 33
Frequency ID Scan ................ 34
Selecting a, Frequency .......... 33
Selecting Continuous or Burst
.............................................. 33
Transmitting a ........................ 33
Transmitting a 1750 Hz .......... 33
Transmit Inhibit ........................... 41
Transmit Power, Selecting ........... 20
Changing Frequency while .......... 41
Transmission monitor
........................ (See TX Monitor)
Transmitting ................................ 20
Transverter ................................. 79
Troubleshooting ........................ 100
TS-B2000 Front Panel .............. 109
TX Band ..................................... 45
TX Equalizer ............................... 41
TX Filter Bandwidth ..................... 41
TX Monitor .................................. 79
TX Power .................................... 79
USB (see SSB)
Equalizing (A=B) .................... 38
Programmable ....................... 62
Scan ...................................... 66
Selecting A/B ......................... 18
Voice Synthesizer (optional)
Installation ............................. 97
Using ..................................... 91
AF Gain ............................18, 46
RF Gain ................................. 18
VOX (Voice-Operated Transmit)
Delay Time ............................. 39
Microphone Input Level .......... 39
Installation ............................. 97
Using ..................................... 91
XIT .............................................. 40
Zero Beat, Auto ........................... 30
1MHz, Using Steps ..................... 37