ssccrruummppttiioouuss cchhooccoollaattee ccaakkee
225g (8oz) butter, softened
250g (9oz) caster sugar
4 eggs
5ml (1tsp) instant coffee dissolved in 15ml (1tbsp) hot water
30ml (2tbsp) milk
5ml (1tsp) almond essence
50g (2oz) ground almonds
100g (4oz) self raising flour
5ml (1tsp) baking powder
50g (2oz) unsweetened cocoa powder
method 1 Cream the butter and sugar on a low speed gradually increasing to a
higher speed until the mixture is light and fluffy. Scrape down the bowl
and beater.
2 Beat the eggs in a jug and whilst the mixer is operating on a high speed,
gradually add the egg a little at a time until incorporated. Switch off and
scrape down.
3 Incorporate the dissolved coffee, milk and almond essence on a low
speed. Add the ground almonds, sieved flour, baking powder and cocoa.
Mix on a low speed to incorporate.
4 Divide the mixture between two 20cm/8” cakes tins that have been lined
with greased greaseproof paper. Level the tops then bake at
180˚C/350˚F/Gas Mark 4 for approximately 30 minutes until springy to the
5 Turn out and cool on a wire rack.
cchhooccoollaattee mmoouusssseelliinnee ffiilllliinngg
275g (10oz) plain chocolate, broken into pieces
225ml (8 fl.oz.) double cream
method 1 Melt the chocolate by placing in a bowl over a pan of barely
simmering water.
2 Whisk the cream starting on a low speed gradually increasing to a higher
speed until it forms soft peaks.
3 When the chocolate has melted remove the bowl from the heat and, using
a large spoon fold into the cream.
4 Spread the chocolate filling between the cooled cakes.
chilli marinade
200g (7oz) cold clear honey (refrigerated overnight)
1 green chilli (whole)
5ml (1 tsp) crunchy peanut butter
method 1 Place all the ingredients into the mini chopper/mill.
2 Fit the attachment to the mixer and allow the ingredients to settle around
the blade.
3 Switch to pulse for 10 seconds.
4 Use as required.