
ingredients suitable for use with comments
the automatic dispenser
Dried Fruit i.e Sultanas, Raisins, Yes Roughly chop and do not chop too small.
Mixed Peel & Glace Cherries Do not use fruit soaked in syrup or alcohol.
Lightly dust with flour to stop fruit sticking.
Pieces cut too small may stick to the
dispenser and may not be added to the
Nuts Yes Roughly chop and do not chop too small.
Large Seeds i.e. Sunflower & Yes
Pumpkin Seeds
Small Seeds i.e. Poppy & No Very small seeds may fall out through the gap
Sesame Seeds around the dispenser door.
Best added manually or with other
Herbs – Fresh & Dried No Due to the small chopped size may fall out of
the dispenser.
Herbs are very light in weight and may not be
released from the dispenser.
Best added manually or with other
Fruit/Vegetables in No Oil may cause the ingredients to stick to
Oil/Tomatoes/Olives the dispenser.
May be used if well drained and dried
thoroughly before adding to the dispenser.
Ingredients with a high water No May stick to the dispenser.
content i.e. raw fruit
Cheese No May melt in dispenser.
Add with other ingredients directly into the
Chocolate/Chocolate Chips No May melt in the dispenser.
Added manually when alert sounds.
automatic dispenser usage chart