, Plastic parts: Wash with warm soapy water and wipe dry.
,A. Do not usecitrisol, abrasive cleaners, degreasers or a
concentrated grill cleaner on plastic parts. Damage to and
failure of parts can result.
• Porcelain grates: Because of glass-like composition, most
residue can bewiped away with baking soda/water solution or
specially formulated cleaner. Use non-abrasive scouring
powder for stubborn stains.
• Cooking surfaces: If a bristle brush is used to clean any of
the grill cooking surfaces, ensure no loose bristles remain on
cooking surfaces prior to grilling. It is not recommended to
clean cooking surfaces while grill is hot.
__ m
If you noticethatyour grill is getting hard to light or that the
flame isn't as strong as it should be, take thetime to checkand
clean the burner's.
knownto create"flashback"problems.Thespidersspinwebs,build
nestsandlay eggsin thegrill'sburnertube(s)obstructingtheflowof
gas totheburner.The backed-upgas canignitein the tubebehind
the controlpanel.Thisis knownas a flashbackandit can damage
your grillandevencauseinjury.
To preventflashbacksandensuregoodperformancetheburner
wheneverthegrillhasbeenidlefor anextendedperiod.
,. j
Cleaning the Burner Assembly
Follow these instructions to clean and/or replace parts of burner
assembly or if you have trouble igniting grill.
1. Turn gas off at control knobs and LP cylinder.
2. Remove cooking grates and heat tents.
3. Remove screws and flame carryover tubes from rear of
4. Remove screw and washers to disengage burner from
bracket on firebox.
5. Remove screws to detach electrode from burner. Electrode
should remain in firebox.
6. Carefully lift each burner up and away from valve openings.
We suggest three ways to clean the burner tubes. Use the one
easiest for you.
(A) Bend a stiff wire (a lightweight coat hanger works well)
into a small hook. Runthe hookthrough each burner
tube several times.
(B) Use a narrow bottle brush with a flexible handle (do not
use a brass wire brush), run the brush through each
burner tube several times.
(C) Wear eye protection: Use an air hose to force air into
the burner tube and out the burner ports. Check each
port to make sure air comes out each hole.
7. Wire brush entire outer surface of burner to remove food
residue and dirt.
8. Clean any blocked portswith a stiff wire such as an open
paper clip.
9. Check burner for damage, due to normalwear and corrosion
some holes may become enlarged. If any large cracks or
holes are found replace burner.
VERY IMPORTANT: Burner tubes must re-engage valve
openings. See illustrations at right. Correct
10. Attach electrode to burner, burner-to-valve
11. Carefully replace burners.
12. Attach burners to brackets on firebox.
13. Reposition flame carryover tubes and attach
to burners. Replace heat tents and __"-
cooking grates.
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