Installation Instructions
Removing the Old Water
O Turn "OFF_ electricalsupply to thewater heater.
C) Turn"OFF" the water supply to the
waterheater atthe water shutoffvalve or
water meter.
G Attach a hose to the water heater drain
valve and put the other end in a floor
drain or outdoors. Open the water
heater drain valve. Open a nearby hot
water faucet which will relievepressure
in the water heater and speeddraining.
Qa. copper piping to water
If you
have the
heater, the two copper water pipes can be
cut with a hacksawapproximatdy 4"away
from where they connect to the water
heater. This will avoid cutting off the pipes
too short. Additional cuts can be made
laterif necessary.Disconnectthe tempera°
ture-pressure reliefvalvedrainline. When
the water heater isdrained,disconnect the
hose from the drainvalve. Close the drain
valve. The water heater is now completely
disconnectedand ready to be removed.
Q b. you galvanizedpipe to the water
If have
heater, loosen the two galvanized pipes
with a pipe wrench at the union in each
line. Also disconnect the piping remaining
to the water heater.These piecesshould be
saved since they may be needed when
reconnecting the new water heater.
Disconnect the temperature-pressure relief
valve drain line.When the waterheater is
II II drained, disconnect the hose from the
I drain valve. Close the drain valve. The
II'- ]| [[k water heater isnow completelydisconnect-
edandreadyto beremoved.
The water passing out of the drain valve may be [
extremely hot. Toavoid beingscalded make sure all con- [
nections are tight and that the water flow is directed I
away from any person. I
Q Check again make the electrical is
turned "OFF" to the water heater. Then disconnect
the electrical supply connection from the water
heater junction box.
Mineral buildupor sediment may haveaccumulated in [
the oldwater heater.ThiscausestheWaterheaterto be ]
muchheavierthan normalandthis residueifspilledout,