it mayrequirerepairfromtimeto time.That'swhen
Here's what the Repair Protection Agreement •
[] Expert service by our 10,000 professionalrepair
[] Unlimited service and no charge forparts and
labor on all covered repairs
[] Product replacement up to $1500 if your
covered product can't be fixed
[] Discount of 10% from regular price of service
and related installed parts not covered by the
agreement; also, 10% off regular price of
preventive maintenance check
[] Fast help by phone - we call it Rapid Resolution-
phone support from a
Sears representative, Think of us as a "talking owner's
Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement, a
simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule
service. You can call anytime day or night, or schedule
a service appointment online.
The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk-free
purchase. If you cancel for any reason during the
product warranty period, we will provide a full refund.
Or, a prorated refund anytime after the product
warranty period expires. Purchase your Repair
Protection Agreement today!
Some limitations and exclusions apply. For
prices and additional information in the U.S.A.
CALL 1-800-827-6655.
*Coverage in Canada varies on some items. For
full details call Sears Canada at 1-800-361-6665
Sears Installation Service
For Sears professional installation of home appliances,
garage door openers, water heaters, and other major
home items, in the U.S.A. or Canada call