
! Placetoaster on a dry, level, stable surface
2_ Plug power cord into a standard 120-V, 60 Hz AC-only 3-prong eleclrlcal cutlet
3. The blue LCD digila] display(s) witf illuminate and the toast shade setting will defaull to
the level at which itwas last sat
4 Turn the Toast Shade Selector knob to the desired setting As you turn the knob, the
shade _evetwill appear In tile LCD dIsp_ay, Item 1 (Light) through 9 (Dark)For the first
time you toast, set [he setector midway to 5, and adjust as deslred for future toasting
On the four slice model, there are two Toast Shade Selectors. one for each side of the
5 P}ace breed slices or other item to be toasled in the slots and press down the Toast
Control Lever until it cricks The Self-Adjusting Bread Guides will automatically adjust
to hold lhe food in place. On the four slice model, there are lwo Toast Control Levers,
one for each side of the toasler
The btue light around lhe Cnncel button will illuminate when the Toast Control Lever
cricks in the down position, and w_llremain illuminated until toasting is finished, or unlit
the Cancef button tspushed. On four since model lhere are two dlflerent Cancel
buttons, one for each s_deof Ihe toaster
6 tf the food to be toasted Is frozen, press the Defrost button after you have pushed down
the Toast Control Lever The blue light around the Defrost button w]ti I{[umtnale and will
stay _lfuminated until the toasting is done, or the Cancel button is pushed On the four
slice model toasfer, Ihere are two Defrost buttons, one for each side of the toaster.
7 When toasting ts done, the Toast Conh'ol Lever wilt automatically pop up and toast can
be removed from toaster
8 The Bagel button will toast bagels and English muflins crisp on the inner-faeing side,
and soft and warm on the outside. Place the cut side of the bagel or English muffin }n
the toaster with the cut side toward the center of the toaster (Fig. 3) On the ,l-slice
model, lhere are two separale Bagel buttons, one for each side of the toaster
Push down the Toast Control Lever until it clicks, then press the Bagel button The
Bage{ button w{fl be Illuminated to show it Is In use, and will ramaln ON until toasting Is
done, or the Cancel button is pushed. To thaw and feast frozen bagels, press the Bagel
button and the Defrost button, pressing either button first
Fig. 3 t"