• Preheating is not necessary.
• Foropenpanroasting,placemeatorpoultryontheslottedportionofthetwo-piece
panincludedwiththe oven. Do notaddwatertothepan. Useopenpan roasting
fortendercutsofmeat. Lesstendercutsofmeatneedtobecookedby moistheat
ina coveredpan.
• For best results,a meat thermometeris the mostaccurateguide to degree of
doneness. The tipof the thermometershouldbe locatedin thethickestpartofa
roast,not touchingfat, bone, or gristle. Forturkeysand largepoultryproducts,
insertthe tip of thethermometerintothe thickest partof the inner thigh.
• Placeroastfat side upto allowselfbastingof meat duringroasting.
• Since meatscontinueto cook afterbeingremovedfromthe oven,removeroast
from oven when it reachesan internaltemperatureabout 5 degrees belowthe
• Forlesslossofjuices andeasier carving,allowabout15 minutes"standingtime"
after removingmeatfrom oven.
• ForbestresultsJnroastingpoultry,thawcompletely. Duetothestructureof poultry,
• Ifpreferr d, tendercutsofmeatcan be mastedinthe conventionalbakeoven by
followingthegeneral recommendationsgiven above. However,meats willroast
mor quicklyinthe convectoven usingConvect Roast.
• Conventionalbakeisbestfor lesstendercutsofmeatthat requirea longer,moist
• Meatscookedinovencookingbags,dutchovens,orcoveredmastingpansarebest
cookedinthe conventionalbakeoven usingthe Bake Pad.
• Use meat roastingcherts in standard cookbooksfor recommendedtimes and
temperaturesfor mastingina conventionalbake oven.
NOTE; A coolingfan will operateduring all cookingmodes. The fan may alsoI
contJnUedown,tooperateafterthe oven isturnedoff untilthe oven has cooled