Ventilation System
(Model CVE407 only)
The built-in ventilation system removes cooking vapors, odors and smoke from foods
preparedon the cooktop. Regular useof this system will insurea more comfortable and
less humidkitchen which isfree of heavy cooking odorsand fumes that normally create
a frequent need for cleaning and redecorating.
Using the Ventilation System
• To operatethe ventiliationsystem, pushthe on/off switch located infront of the air
• Besides using theventilation systemto remove cooking vapors and fumes, it can
be used to cool baked pies, cakes or hot pans. To cool an item, set it on the air
grille andturn onthe fan. Theair being pulled overthe itemwill quicklycool it. Be
careful notto cover the entire air grille or touch the fan control.
• Thefan can be used to remove strong odorsfrom the kitchenas when chopping
onions near the fan.
NOTE CVE407 OWNERS: The cooktop is designed with an automatic control
that may turn on the downdraft fan when large
cookpotsare usedforextended periodsonthe large
elements. The fan will shut off when the cooktop
has cooled down. For more information and to
avoid this in the future, referto p.6.
Cleaning the Ventilation System
Air Grille: The air grille lifts off easily. Wipe clean or wash in sink with mild household
detergents _rclean in dishwasher.
__I i _ Filter: Turn off ventilation system before remov-
"_i ing. Turn filterretainerclipto removefilter. Thefilter
is a permanent type and should be cleaned when
soiled. Clean in sink with warm water and liquid
dishwashing detergent or in dishwasher.
l__ OUTFILTER'Filtershouldalwaysbeplacedatan
angle. Asyou face the front of thecooktop, the top
of the filter should rest against theleft side. and the
bottom of filter should rest against the rightside of
. . vent chamber at the bottom. (NOTE: If filter is flat
against the fan wall, ventilation effectiveness is
Ventilation Chamber: This area, which houses the filter, should be cleaned in the
event of spills or whenever it becomescoated with afilm of grease. May be cleaned with
paper towel, dampcloth, or sponge and mildhousehold detergent or cleanser.