Be sureall controls are OFF and all cooktop parts are cool beforecleaning.
Thecooktopisdesignedwithcontouredwellswhichcontainspills untiltheycanbe wiped
up. Neverwipe awarm orhot porcelainenamelsurfacewith a dampcloth. Forgeneral
daily cleaningand light soil, wash with warm soapy water, rinse,and dry. To remove
greasespatters, spray with cleanerssuch as Fantastikor 409. DONOT use abrasive
or caustic cleaningagents which may permanentlydamagethe finish.
The surface burner grates are made of porcelain on
castiron. Therefore,the gratescan be washedin the _, ,_
sink with mild detergents and a plastic scrubber or
washed in the dishwasher.
Burner grates must be properly positioned before j _.
cooking. Donotoperate the burnerswithouta pan on
the grate. The porcelainfinish on the grate may chip
withouta pan to absorbthe intense heat. I_ All
Whenreinstallingsquare grates,placeindented sides
togetherso straight sides are at front and rear. _
Althoughthe burner grate is durable, it will gradually j %.
lose its shine and/or discolor, regardless of the care
you take of it. This is due to its exposureto the high
temperatureof gas flames.
To preservethe porcelainenamel finish as longas possible, havea pan on the grate
before you turn on the burner, and lower the flame when food reaches the desired
cooking temperature.