
7-22 Maintenance
Mop up excess liquid with absorbent
tissue (preferably white) or absorbent
cloth; scoop up dry solids. Work inwards
from the edge of the stain to prevent
spreading. Use small amounts of cleaning
liquid, blotting between applications.
Work slowly and thoroughly using light
pressure. If the stain cannot be removed,
contact a reputable dry cleaners.
Dry Cleaning Fluids may be toxic or
flammable. Take adequate
precautions when handling these
Exterior care
Note: All the cleaning materials
mentioned in this section are available
from the Jaguar Accessory Range.
For best results, do not wash the vehicle
under strong sunlight. Always allow the
vehicle to cool down before washing.
Do not use a dry cloth to wipe dirty
paintwork. Dust and gritty substances are
abrasive and will scratch the paintwork.
Remove dirt using a cellulose sponge and
plenty of warm (never hot) water. Rinse
off with clean water and dry using a
clean, damp chamois leather.
Do not use household soaps or
detergents. The use of Jaguar Vehicle
Shampoo is recommended.
Do not direct hoses at full force around
door and luggage compartment seals.
Using high pressure water jets on the
paintwork is not recommended.
Do not allow bird droppings or tree sap
to harden. Remove from paintwork
immediately with a lukewarm soap and
water solution.
In winter, when salt is used on the roads,
wash the vehicle frequently, and
immediately after encountering such
conditions. Clean undersides and wheel
arches using a high pressure jet.
Automatic car wash
Note: Regular use of automatic car
washes tends to dull the lustre of the
After leaving the car wash, switch on the
windscreen wiper immediately to remove
water and prevent a build up of wax.
Jaguar Screen Clean Paste can be used to
clean any residual wax from the glass.
Removing grease or tar
Remove grease or tar with Jaguar Tar
Remover or methylated spirit (alcohol).
White spirit is also effective, but must not
be applied to rubber, particularly the
windscreen wiper blade.
Glass surfaces
To avoid scratching glass surfaces, do not
clean dirty glass with dry paper or cloth.
Use clean, warm water and a chamois
leather which is reserved for glass only.