Vehicle Battery
Procedure for using booster cables
The following procedure must be followed
1. Remove the left-hand side luggage
compartment trim panel cover to
access the vehicle battery positive (+)
remote charge terminal, remove the
protective cap from the terminal.
2. Attach one end of the red jump lead to
the positive (+) terminal of the booster
battery and the other end to the
positive (+) remote charge terminal of
the vehicle battery.
3. Lift the luggage compartment floor
panel to reveal the spare wheel.
Remove the protective cap from the
negative (-) terminal of the vehicle
battery remote charge terminal.
4. Attach one end of the black jump lead
to the negative (-) terminal of the
booster battery and the other end to
the negative (-) terminal of the vehicle
battery remote charge terminal.
5. Start the disabled vehicle. Allow the
engine to idle for five minutes before
disconnecting the cables.
6. Disconnect the black jump lead from
the negative (-) terminal of the vehicle
battery remote charge terminal and
the booster battery negative (-)
7. Disconnect the red jump lead from the
positive (+) remote charge terminal of
the vehicle and the booster battery
positive (+) terminal.
8. Refit the terminal covers, trim panel
and luggage compartment floor
It may be necessary to reset the electric
parkbrake, see page 164. See also 246.
Batteries produce combustible gas
(hydrogen) when being charged. The
battery must be removed from the
vehicle before charging commences.
Due to the restricted accessibility of the
centrally located battery, charging of the
battery should be assigned to qualified