Usage Notes
Release Notes for VPN Client, Release 4.0 through Release 4.0.5.D
Browser Interoperability Issues
The following known issues might occur when using the VPN Client with the
indicated browser software.
Issues Loading Digital Certificate from Microsoft Certificate Store on Windows NT SP5 and on IE 4.0 SP2
The following error occurs in the VPN Client log when using a Digital Certificate
from the Microsoft Certificate Store. This can occur on Windows NT 4.0 with
Service Pack 5 and on Internet Explorer 4.0 with SP2 and using the VPN Client
v3.1 or v3.5:
“Could not load certificate cn=Joe
Smith,ou=Engineering,o=MyCompany,l=Buffalo, st=new
york,c=US,e=jsmith@mycompany.com from the Unsupported Store store”
Both the VPN Client and the Certificate Manager can see and validate the
Certificate, but when you try to connect using that Certificate, you get a message
in the Connection History dialog that says, “Failed to establish a secure
connection to the security gateway”.
To fix this problem, do one of the following:
• Upgrade to Internet Explorer v5.0 or greater.
• Upgrade the PC to Service Pack 6.0a (CSCdv70215).
Requirements for using VPN Client for Windows Using Digital Certificate With Non-exportable Keys
To use certificates with non-exportable keys, you must have the VPN Client,
Release 3.6 or 4.0, and your PC must have Internet Explorer version 5.0 SP2
or later installed to function properly. (CSCdx90228).