
Disable WPS
Check to disable Wi-Fi Protected Setup.
WPS Status
When the settings are factory defaults (out of the box), it
is set to an open security and unconfigured state. “WPS
Status” will display it as “UnConfigured.” If it already
shows “Configured,” some registrars such as Vista WCN
will not configure the router, and you’ll need to go to the
Backup/Restore screen and click “Reset” to reload the
factory default settings.
Self-PIN Number
“Self-PIN Number” is the router’s PIN. Whenever you
want to change the PIN, click “Regenerate PIN” and
“Apply Changes.” To create your own PIN, enter a four-
digit PIN without checksum and click “Apply Changes.”
However, this would not be recommended, since the
registrar side needs to be supported with a four-digit PIN.
Regenerate PIN
Click to regenerate the Self-PIN Number.
Push Button
Clicking this button will invoke the PBC method of WPS.
It is only used when the router acts as a registrar.
Start PBC
Click to start the Push Button method of WPS.
Click to restore the original values.
Client PIN Number
This is only used when users want their station to join the
router’s network. The length of the PIN is limited to four