
iNitial setuP
1. Set up your network as shown in the diagram. NOTE: The four LAN
connections are examples only.
2. Your LAN PC clients need to be set so that an IP address can be
obtained automatically. By default, the router’s DHCP server is enabled
so that this doesn’t require any extra steps here. NOTE: Make sure
the router’s DHCP server is the only DHCP server available on your
LAN. If there is another DHCP on your network, you’ll need to switch
one of the DHCP servers off.
3. Once your PC has obtained an
IP address from your router,
enter the default IP address — (this is the router’s IP
address) — into your PC’s Web browser and press <Enter>.
4. When the login screen
displays, ll in the “User
name” and “Password”
elds, then click “OK”
to log in. NOTE: The
default username is
“admin”; the password
is “1234.” For security