
Intel Client System Setup Utility Version 0.8
The Modem button selects the connection type for the server specified in the Server Name edit
Direct Connect
The Direct Connect button is not used.
Server Name
The Server Name area provides an alphabetized list of server platforms that the Client SSU may
attempt to connect to. The list is based upon information maintained in the phonebook.
OK Button
The OK button attempts to establish a connection with the specified server platform. When
selected, the OK button prompts for an EMP password and if successful reboots the server to the
service partition and attempts to establish the connection with the server SSU. If the connection
cannot be established an error message displays and the server system should be rebooted to its
primary operating system using the DPC. While the connection is being established the Client
SSU displays connection information on the status bar.
The Cancel button closes the connection dialog and returns to the Main Window.