OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005 21
Application Development Guidelines
6. When the stopbrd utility successfully stops the board, use the removebrd utility to notify
the system that the board is being removed.
7. Physically remove the board from the chassis when the board’s Out of Service (Blue) LED
8. Insert a new board into the chassis, configure it according to the procedures in the appropriate
Configuration Guide and invoke the
startbrd utility.
9. When a board has been started, a DLGC_EVT_BLADE_STARTED event is transmitted on
the OA&M event notification framework’s ADMIN_CHANNEL. Use the AUID from the
event’s payload, along with the Standard Runtime Library functions and virtual device
functions (dx_open( ), dt_open( ), etc.) to determine the virtual devices that are on the newly
inserted board and open the board’s virtual devices.
10. Once the board’s virtual devices are opened, the board can be used by your application.
Refer to the System Release Administration Guide for information about the
removebrd, and startbrd utilities.
Refer to the High Availability for Linux Operating System Demo Guide for information on
executing the High Availability demo programs included with the Intel
Refer to the Intel
DM3 Architecture Products on Linux Configuration Guide or the Intel
IPT Series on Linux Configuration Guide for complete information about
configuring the boards.