32 Theory of Operation
Croma24 Service Manual
The system firmware is stored in Flash EEPROM and can be up-
graded by opening the Control Panel located on the host computer.
Once the Control Panel has been executed, it first starts an initial-
ization and status communication sequence with the printer. The
Control Panel requires ink levels and deadband information to load
correctly. At the same time, it checks the version of firmware that is
loaded on the printer.
The flash EEPROM is a volitile memory in that it will lose updated
information after a loss of power and revert back to the firmware
that was initially installed at the factory. If the Control Panel
contains a newer version of the firmware than the printer is cur-
rently loaded with, it automatically updates the firmware at the
startup of the Control Panel.
DRAM is Dynamic Random Access Memory which provides tempo-
rary storage of the microprocessor calculation and input/output data.
It is also a faster type of memory then the Flash EEPROM. Thats
why the printer control program is also copied from the Flash
EEPROM to RAM, where it can be executed faster.
The printer is supplied with 2 Megabytes of DRAM permanently
installed on the Main PC Board. Memory expansion is not available
for this printer. Since it only supports EN-RTL language, additional
memory is not required or beneficial.
Serial EEPROM is an Electrically Erasable, Programmable, Read
Only Memory which provides storage for calibration constants and
user configuration data entered from the host computer.
A 1K bit serial nonvolatile EEPROM stores calibration and configu-
ration information. It retains data while the unit is off.