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SwitchLinc status LED will blink
2) Press and hold SwitchLinc Set button until it beeps again
SwitchLinc status LED will continue blinking
You will have 4 minutes to complete the next step before unlinking mode times out
3) Using an X10 controller, send the X10 address you want to remove followed by the ON command
three times
For example, to remove the address A1, you would send A1-ON-A1-ON-A1-ON
4) Once SwitchLinc has received the sequence, it will exit unlinking mode
SwitchLinc will beep.
Advanced X10 Programming
Instructions on setting X10 primary address and scene addresses can be found at
Advanced Features
Make SwitchLinc a Controller of Multiple Responders
1) Press and hold SwitchLinc Set button until it beeps
SwitchLinc status LED will start blinking green
2) Tap SwitchLinc Set button
SwitchLinc status LED will double-blink green
3) For each responder you are adding:
a. Tap on/off or press and hold to adjust responder to desired state
b. Press and hold responder Set button until it beeps (or LED flashes)
SwitchLinc will double-beep
4) After all responders have been added, tap SwitchLinc Set button
SwitchLinc LED will stop blinking
5) Test by tapping SwitchLinc on and off a couple of times
All the responders added will respond
Remove SwitchLinc as a Controller of Multiple Responders
1) Press and hold SwitchLinc Set button until it beeps
SwitchLinc status LED will start blinking green
2) Press and hold SwitchLinc Set button again until it beeps again
SwitchLinc status LED will start blinking red
3) Tap SwitchLinc Set button
SwitchLinc status LED will double-blink red
4) For each responder you are removing:
a. If multi-button device, tap the responding button
b. Press and hold responder Set button until it beeps (or LED flashes)
5) Tap SwitchLinc Set button
SwitchLinc status LED will stop blinking
6) Test by tapping controller button a couple of times
All responders removed will not respond
Groups are scenes in which all members stay synchronized. Common examples include 3-way lighting
circuits and scenes with a single load-bearing device.
Example: 2-Switch Circuit