
Inova OnTime Digital Clock Owner's Manual
All claims based on information publicly available at time of printing. All other product or service names mentioned in this document may be
trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.
© 2007 Inova Solutions. | All rights reserved. 6.12.2007 | page 21
Section 10: Maintenance
The OnTime Digital Clock requires little or no maintenance.
A minimum of one daily visual inspection at the beginning of each shift is
recommended for the entire system.
With the exception of periodic cleaning of the clock faces with a soft clean cloth, no
routine maintenance of the system is required.
Note: Attempting to repair/replace the Digital Clock internal components may void the
warranty on that unit. Instead, during the warranty period, failed units should be sent to Inova
for repair, and the failed unit replaced with a spare.
After the warranty period, you may send the OnTime Digital Clock units to Inova under RMA
procedures for repair. See the next section for more information.