b) Attaching the dust bag.
Insert the dust bag firmly in the dust
bag attachment hole on the main
unit and fasten securely (see Fig.11).
⅜ The dust-collecting adaptor and dust
bag is made for use when drilling con-
crete. Do not use for drilling holes in
metal or wood.
(2) Adjusting the dust-collecting adaptor.
a) Adjusting the position of the dust-
collecting adaptor.
After firmly inserting the drill bit,
loosen the wing bolt and drill bit tip
and the end of the dust-collecting
adaptor in contact with each other
(see Fig.12).
b) Setting the hole-drilling depth.
Move the stopper to determine the
stroke. The stroke is the hole-drill-
ing depth (see Fig.12).
⅜ The maximum hole-drilling depth
when using the dust-collecting
adaptor is 4" (100 mm).
⅜ It is possible when using the dust-
collecting adaptor to use HITACHI
drill bits up to a overall length of 8-
1/2" (216 mm). A hole-drilling depth
of 1-3/4" (46 mm) will allow dust-
collecting when the overall length
of the drill bit is 4-9/16" (116 mm).
(3) Drilling holes
When drilling holes, secure the main
unit so that the end of the dust-collect-
ing adaptor contacts with the concrete
surface perfectly during drilling. Dust-
collecting effectiveness is reduced if the
adaptor is not in contact with the sur-
face (see Fig.13).
Fig. 11
Dust bag
Dust bag
Fig. 12
Wing bolt
Fig. 13