I) l_d _-, -/dl the safetyand operatingimm_ous should
be read before the p_roduct is operated.
2) Retain hstructlom - The safety and operatingin.m'uctionsshould
be retainedfor fiamrereference.
5) HeedWarnings- All warningson the productand in the operating
instructionssha,_l beadheredto.
4) Folio,#Iastmalons - All operatingand use instructions should be
5) Cleaning- Unplugthisproduct fromthe walloudet beforedeaning.
Do notuseliquidcleanersoraerosoldeanets. Usea dampdoth fordean-
ing. ExceptiomA product thatis meant for uninterrupted serviceand
that for some specific reason,such as the possibilityof the loss of an
anthorizadon code for a CATVConverter, is not intended to be
unpluggedbythe userfor deaniugoranyotherpurpose,may ear.ludethe
reieereficeto unpluggingthe productin thedeanhg descriptionotherwise
6-) Attachments - Do not use attachments not recommendedbythe
product manufacuaer asthey maycausehazards.
7) Water and Moisture- Do not use this product near water - for
example,neara bath tub, washbowl,kitchen sink, orlaundrytub; in a
wet basement;,or neara swimmingpool;and the like.
8) Accessories- Do not phce this product onan unstablecart, stand,
tripod, bracket,ortable.The productmayfall, causingseriousinjuryto
achildor adult, and seriousdamageto the product. Useoulywithacart,
stand, tripod, bracket,or table recommended by the manufacturer,or
sold with the,product. Any mounting of the product should followthe
manufacto_,_sinstructions, andshould usea mountingaccessoryrecom-
mendedby the manufacturer.
9) Aproduct andcartcombinationshould be movedwith care. Quick
stop,excessiveforce,andunevensurfacesmay causethe product and cart
combinationto overturn.
I0) Ventilation- Slotsand openingsin the cabinetareprovidedforven-
tihtiun and to ensu_ reliableoperationof the productand to protect it
from overheating,and these openingsmustnot be blockedor covered.
Theopeningsshould neverbe blockedbyplacingthe producton a bed,
sofa,rug,orother similarsurface.Thisproduct should notbe placedina
built-in installationsuch as a b_,keaseor rackunlessproperventilation
is providedor the manufacturers instructionshavebeen adheredto.
11) PowerSources- Thisproduct shouldbeoperatedoulyfrom thetype
ofpowersourceindicatedon the markinglabel.Ifyou arenot sureofthe
typeof powersupplyto yourhome, consultyourproductdealerorlocal
powercompany.Forproductsintendedto operatefrom batterypower,or
othersources,referto the operatinginstructions.
12) Grounding orPolarlzation- This product maybeequipped with a
polarizedalternatlng-current line plug (aplug having one blade wider
than theother).Thisplugwillfitinto thepoweroutletonlyone waFThis
is a safetyfeature.If you areunable to insertthe plugfullyinto the out-
let, try reversingthe plug. If the plug should stillfail to fit, contact your
electricianto replaceyour obsoleteoudet.Do not defeatthe safetypur-
poseof the polarizedplug.
13) Power-CordProtection - Power-supplycordsshould be routedso
that theyarenot likelyto bewalkedonorpinchedby itemsplacedupon
or against them, paying particularmention to cords at plugs,conve-
niencereceptacles,and the point wheretheyexit fromthe product.
14) Outdoor Antenna Grounding - If an outsideantenna or cablesys-
tem is connected to the product, be sure the antenna orcablesystemis
_ru_l.undedso as-€oprovidesome protection againstvoltagesurges and
t-up static charges. Ardde 810 of the National ElectricalCode,
ANSI/NFPA70, providesinformationwith regardto proper grounding
ofthe mastand supportingmuctu_ groundingof the lead-inwireto an
antenna discharge"unit, sizeof grouncling"conductors,location of anten-
na-dischargeunit, connection togroundingdectrodes,and requirements
for the groundingdectrod_ Seethe followingfigure.
a--""_ IT=ADUq
• _'/ ,/h_ITE;_IA
(/dEC SECTION 810-21)
EmCTmC_ I _-_ I I - J (N_C_C'no_e*0-2_)
s_ce. -'--.-bn-I / / /
(NEC SECTION 810-211
15) Lighming- Foraddedprotectionforthisproduct duringa lighming
storm,or whenit is leftunattendedand unusedfor longperiodsof time,
unplug it fromthe walloutletand disconnectthe antenna orcablesys-
tem. This will prew_ntdamage to the product due to lightningand
16")PowerLines- An outsideantennasystemshould not be locatedin
the vidnity of overheadpowerlinesor otherdectriclight orpower cir-
cuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. When
installingan outsideantenna system, extremecare should betaken to
keep from touching such powerlines ordrcuitsas contact with them
mightbe f=£.
17) Overloading- DOnotoverloadwalloudets,extensioncords,orinte-
gralconveniencereceptaclesasthis can resultin a riskof fire ordectric
18) Object and LiquidEntry- Neverpush objectsof any kind into this
productthrough openingsastheymaytouch dangerousvoltagepoints or
short-ourparts thatcould resultin a fireordectricshock.Neverspillliq-
uid of any kind onthe product.
19) Servicing- DOnot attempt to servicethisproduct yoursdf asopen-
ingorremovingcoversmayexposeyouto dangerousvoltageorotherhaz-
ards. 1_e.ferall servicingto qualifiedservicepersonnd.
20) DamageRequiringService- Unplugthisproduct fromthewallout-
letand referservicingto qualifiedservicepersound under the following
a) Whenthepower-supplycordorplugisdamaged.
b)If liquid hasbeenspilled,orobjectshavefallenintotheproduct.
c) If the product hasbeenexposedto rain orwater
d) If the productdoesnot operatenormallybyfollowingthe operating
instructions.Adjustonlythosecontrolsthat arecoveredbythe operating
instructionsasanimproperadjustmentof othercontrolsmayresultin
damageand willoftenrequireextensiveworkbya qualifiedtechnicianto
restorethe productto its normaloperation.
e) If the producthasbeendroppedordamagedin any wa_
f) When the productexhibitsa distinctchangein performance- this
indicatesa needfor service.
21) Ik'placementParts- Whenreplacementpartsarerequired,besurethe
servicetechnicianhas usedreplacementpartsspeci_edbythe manufactur-
er or that have the same characteristics as the original part. Unauthorized
substimdonsmayresultin fire,dectricshock,orotherhazards.
22) Sak_ Check - Upon completionof any serviceor repairsto this
product,asktheservicetechnicianto performsafetycheckstodetermine
that the productis in properoperatingcondidon.
2.3)Wallor Ceiling Mounting - The productshould bemountedto a
wallorceilingonly asrecommendedbythe manufacturer.
24) Heat- The product shouldbe situatedawayfrom heatsourcessuch
that produceheat.
P/N 330100-O01