Note: The remote users position will only be plotted on Google Earth if the unit has a
2D or 3D fix and if that position is recorded in the Request Positions Window.
13.12 To view the information being received on the mapping software keep the
GPS-MIC-1 connected using the “Group Viewer” software and select the option
called “Google Earth”. This will be located on the left hand side within the “Group
Viewer” application. With this option selected you will have options on how the
mapping software will be updated or when the GPS data is refreshed to show current
real time movement of the other GPS units in the field.
Shown on the next page are the standard default settings.
13.13 Once the options have been defined select “Launch GE”. This will open up
the Google Earth application.
Once Google Earth is loaded up minimize out the window and viewing the “Group
Viewer” software click on “Play on GE”. This will display you GPS information on
Google Earth. If you had selected for the KML Netlink settings to refresh then you
will see the GPS data being continuously displayed onto Google Earth.