Cascade Model Fifteen Subwoofer 800W Powered Sub/ Plate Amp
LINE VOLTAGE Yes/No Hi/Lo Line Nom. Unit Notes
US 120vac/60Hz Yes 108-132 120
Normal Operation
Parameter Specification Unit
QA Test
Limits Conditions Notes
Amp Section
Type (Class AB, D, other) D ---
Load Impedance (speaker) 4 Ohms
Z-curve required
Rated Output Power 800 Watts
Regulated 120 V line
5% tolerance applies
THD@ Rated Power 1%
22k filter, 50Hz
800W +/- 5%
THD @ 1 Watt 0.5 %
22k filter, 50Hz
DC Offset mV-DC < 20
@ Speaker Outputs
Damping factor 20 N/A > 15 measured at 50 Hz
Input Sensitivity
Line Input 370 mV mVrms
900 W @ 50Hz
1 input driven
Signal to Noise
SNR-A-Weighted 100 dBA
relative to rated power
A-Weighting filter
SNR-unweighted 70 dBr
relative to rated power
22k filter
SNR rel. 1W-unweighted 60 dBr
relative to 1W Output
22k filter
Residual Noise Floor 3 mVrms
Volume @max, using RMS reading DMM/VOM
(or A/P)
Residual Noise Floor 3
Volume @max, w/ A/P Swept Bandpass
Measurement (Line freq.+ harmonics)
Input Impedance
Line Input 10 k ohms
Active Filters
Low Pass (fixed or variable) Variable --
Frequency 50 - 150 Hz. Hz
Slope 24 dB/Octave
Q Butterworth --
Subsonic filter (HPF) fixed --
Frequency 33 Hz
Slope 12 dB/Octave
Q 2.5 --
Friend Circuit FIXED --
Frequency 80 Hz Hz
notch filter
Dip -4 dB
Q 1 --
Special filter RABOS --
parameteric EQ, variable f, Q and notch depth.
Main Power ON/OFF YES --
Type rocker --
Located on amp plate
Rabos ON/OFF YES --
Type mini toggle --
Located on amp plate
Polarity Switch YES --
"Off": 0°; "On": 180°
Type mini toggle --
Located on amp plate
Limiter (yes/no) YES compressor and limiter
THD at Max. Output Power less than 10 %
Maximum Output Power
Max THD as a result of limiting.
Output Volume Control
Volume Control Pot YES --
mounted on amp panel
Taper (lin/log) log A taper --
@ minimum setting no output
Input/Output Configuration
Line In (L,C,R,AC3,Mono) Stereo --
RCA phono jack, gold plated
Shared with "R" Line In jack
Line Outputs (L,C,R) YES --
Hi Level Out YES --
Signal Sensing (ATO)
Auto-Turn-On (yes/no) YES --
ATO Input Test Frequency 100 Hz
ATO Input Threshold 2 mV typ. LPF "On", BOS "Off"
ATO Low Pass cutoff 400 Hz 450
ATO-LPF for noise immunity
LPF "On", BOS "Off"
ATO Turn-on time 1ms 10
Amp connected and AC on, then input signal
applied ( 1 W output )
Auto Mute / Turn-OFF Time 10 minutes 5 < t < 15
Time before muting, after signal is removed
Model Fifteen Cascade