Figure 3b. You can use this method
(2 “Y”connectors) if your preamp
has only one set of outputs.
Figure 4. Method when using single
subwoofer or two subwoofers.
When using a single subwoofer, you MUST use a pair of stereo low-level leads from your
preamplifier’s outputs. When using two subwoofers, one for the left and another for the right
channel, connect the left preamplifier output to BOTH the left and right LOW-LEVEL INPUTS
of the subwoofer used for the left channel by using a Female-to-Male “Y” connector at the
subwoofer’s input and the right channel preamplifier output to both jacks of the right channel
subwoofer in the same manner (see Figure 4). If the preamplifier has a mono subwoofer output,
you’ll also need a Male-to-Female “Y” connector to split the mono signal to the subwoofer pair
(see Figure 4).
Powered Subwoofer BU-1 – Owner’s Manual