ICOM-200 / 201
'----- ICOM200_MF2.TIG
#project_model pm_min
#include mf2_tr.inc '' subroutines of the Transport Layer
#define LCD 1
#define KEYB1 20
'' Set of Keyboard Variables;
WORD wKeybDevId1 '' Keyboard Device Number
LONG lKeybExtFlags1 '' Keyboard Flags
BYTE bKeybActLang1 '' Keyboard Layout( Language )
BYTE bIsActive
LONG lComplexMask
dir_port 8, 00000000b
out 8,00010000b, 0
' LCD-4=240x128, 150 KB/s
install_device #lcd,"LCD2.TDD",0,0,0EEH,1,150,11H
INSTALL DEVICE #KEYB1, "MF2_8485.TDD" '' L84=clock, L85=data
'' Initialize the Keyboard Variables
wKeybDevId1 = KEYB1
lKeybExtFlags1 = 0
bKeybActLang1 = LANG_GERMAN
CALL InitKeybTables( bKeybActLang1 )
CALL InitKeybDev( wKeybDevId1 )
PRINT #LCD,"<1>";
PRINT #LCD,"<1Bh>c";CHR$(0);"<F0h>";
USING "UH<3><2> 0.0,0.0.3"
CALL SetLcdOutputPos( LCD, 0, 0 )
PRINT #LCD, "LowByte : "
CALL SetLcdOutputPos( LCD, 0, 1 )
PRINT #LCD, "HighByte: "
CALL SetLcdOutputPos( LCD, 0, 2 )
PRINT #LCD, "Ctrl Key: "
CALL SetLcdOutputPos( LCD, 0, 3 )
PRINT #LCD, "Status : "
run_task p8
WHILE 1 = 1
'' Read a key from keyboard buffer and translate it into ASCII
CALL GetAsciiKey( wKeybDevId1, lKeybExtFlags1, bKeybActLang1, wKey)
IF wKey <> 0 THEN
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