Ć Available Capacities
SATA Version 250GB, 500GB, 750GB, 1TB
PATA Version 80GB, 160GB, 250GB, 500GB, 750GB
Ć Form Factor 3.5‰ enclosure with power and interface cable connection
Ć Interfaces Available USB2.0 (backward compatible with USB1.0/1.1)
IEEE1394 (FireWire 400)
Ć Data Transfer Speed
USB2.0 Up to 480Mb/s
FireWire Up to 400Mb/s
Ć Power Auto switching Universal AC/DC PSU supplied
Ć System Requirements
PC 2000, XP, 2003
Mac OSX 10.3.9 and above
Ć Dimensions
(h x w x d) 41mm x 164mm x 210mm (1.6‰ x 5.25‰ x 8.25‰)
Ć Product Codes
Pro Version USB2.0 & eSATA (SATA HDD) V2DABSxxx
USB2.0 & Firewire (PATA HDD) UBASE2-xxx
Enterprise Version USB2.0 & eSATA (SATA HDD) V2DABSxxx/enc
USB2.0 & Firewire (PATA HDD) UBASE2-xxx/enc
Ć Options/Accessories PCI FireWire and USB2.0 controller cards from stock
Ć Warranty 3 years
Enterprise version required
Disaster Recovery from Hypertec
Automatic Backup &
Disaster Recovery
Available from:
Hypertec Ltd
2 Swangate, Charnham Park, Hungerford, Berks, RG17 0YX
t: 0870 243 5603 f: 0870 243 5604
w: www.hypertec.co.uk