
Performance and Specifications
Item Model Capacity at regeneration salt levels Service Flow Maximum Mineral Tank Brine Tank Resin Salt Shipping
Number Number (kilograins as CaCO
) Rate Flow To Drain Size Size Volume Capacity Weight
@15lb/cf @10lb/cf* @6lb/cf USGPM (LPM) USGPM (LPM) inches (mm) inches (mm) cu.ft. (litres) Lbs. (kg) Lbs. (kg)
Twin Tank Models
7600 5600MI-20 22 20 15 8.0 (30.3) 1.2 (4.5) 8 x 47 (203 x 1194) 18 x 35 (457 x 889) 0.75 (21.2) 224 (101.6) 90 (40.8)
7601 5600MI-30 30 27 20 10.0 (37.9) 1.5 (5.7) 9 x 48 (229 x 1219) 18 x 35 (457 x 889) 1.00 (28.3) 224 (101.6) 105 (47.6)
7602 5600MI-45 45 41 30 11.0 (41.6) 2.0 (7.6) 10 x 54 (254 x 1372) 21 x 36 (533 x 914) 1.50 (42.5) 308 (139.7) 140 (63.5)
7603 5600MI-60 60 55 40 15.0 (56.8) 3.0 (11.4) 12 x 52 (305 x 1321) 21 x 36 (533 x 914) 2.00 (56.6) 308 (139.7) 185 (83.9)
7604 5600MI-90 90 82 60 15.0 (56.8) 4.0 (15.1) 14 x 65 (356 x 1651) 21 x 36 (533 x 914) 3.0 (84.5) 308 (139.7) 255 (115.7)
Cabinet Models
7378 WTC5620 20 18 13 6 (22.7) 1.2 (4.5) 8 x 35 (203 x 889) 21x13x44 (533x330x1118) 0.67 (19) 359 (163) 73 (33)
7379 WTC5630 30 27 20 10 (37.9) 2.0 (7.6) 10 x 35 (254 x 889) 21x13x44 (533x330x1118) 1.00 (28) 359 (163) 90 (41)
Caution: These water conditioners are not intended to be used for treating water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate
disinfection before or after the system.
How Your 5600 MI-DF Water Conditioner Works
Hard water enters your home through the main supply line, enters your water conditioner, and passes down through a bed of ion
exchange resin which softens and filters the water as well. An ion exchange process takes place in which the resin beads capture and
hold calcium and magnesium, the hardness impurities, while the water takes on sodium ions. The soft water then flows up and into your
household water line.
Your meter initiated water conditioner is set by aligning the number of people with the grains of hardness on the program wheel. See
page 4.
On the days your conditioner regenerates, the resin is automatically recharged by passing a brine solution (salt water) through it. This
reverses the ion exchange process, charging the resin with sodium and freeing the hardness minerals. These minerals and the brine
solution are then flushed away through the drain line followed by a rapid rinse. The resin bed is again ready to soften water. The proper
volume of water is returned to the brine tank to dissolve enough salt for the next regeneration. All this is performed automatically.
Installation Instructions
If the ground from the electrical panel or breaker box to the water
meter or underground copper pipe is tied to the copper water lines
and these lines are cut during installation of the Noryl bypass
valve and/or poly pipe, an approved grounding strap must be
used between the two lines that have been cut in order to maintain
continuity. The length of the grounding strap will depend upon the
number of units being installed and/or the amount of copper pipe
being replaced with poly. See Figure 1.
In all cases where metal pipe was originally used and is later
interrupted by poly pipe or the Noryl bypass valve as in Figure 1
or by physical separation as in Figure 2, to maintain proper
metallic pipe bonding, an approved ground clamp c/w not less
than #6 copper conductor must be used for continuity.
Check your local electrical code for the correct clamp and cable
Figure 2
Figure 1
Electrical Panel
Ground Strap
Poly Pipe
Poly Pipe
c/w Plastic Bypass
Copper Pipe
Water Meter
Outside Water Line For Outside & 3rd Tap Comes From Meter
Filtered Water Line in Home
Unfiltered Water Bypass
Loop Cut & Capped
Ground Strap Required
Because of Break in Continuity
Operating Temperature Range: 110°F (43°C)
Operating Pressure Range: 100 psig (689 kPa)
Electrical: Standard 110V
Pipe size: 3/4””
1. “*” designates that 10 lb/cf is the factory salt setting for all units.
2. Capacities of softeners may deviate from the chart above depending on flow rates and raw water
3. The manufacturer reserves the right to make product improvements which may deviate from the
specifications and descriptions stated herein without obligation to change previously manufactured
products or to note the change.
4. 1 Kilograin is equal to 1000 grains.