English – 3
This Workshop Manual can be used in two different ways:
• For the repair of a particular system on the chain saw.
• For dismantling and assembly of the entire chain saw.
This Workshop Manual provides a comprehensive description
of how to trouble shoot, repair and test the chain saw. A
description of different safety measures that should be taken
during repair work is also given.
Dismantling and assembly of the
entire chain saw
Proceed as follows when the entire chain saw is to be disman-
tled and assembled:
1. Look up the chapter "Starter" which deals with the Starter
and carry out the instructions set out under Dismantling.
2. Work forward in the Manual and carry out Dismantling in
the order set out in the sections.
3. Go back to the chapter "Starter" and carry out the instruc-
tions under Cleaning and Inspection.
4. Work forward in the Manual and carry out Cleaning and
Inspection in the order set out in the sections.
5. Order or take out all requisite spare parts from the stores.
6. Look up the chapter "Oil pump" which deals with the Oil
pump and carry out the instructions set out under Assem-
7. Work back towards the beginning of the Manual and carry
out Assembly in the order set out in the sections.
Some sections include a Description of the actual unit in order
to increase the basic understanding.
The section dealing with safety must be read and under-
stood by all those carrying out repair work or service on
the chain saw.
Warning symbols can be found in this Workshop Manual and on
the chain saw. See the chapter "Symbol explanation". A new
decal must be applied as soon as possible if a warning symbol
on the chain saw has been damaged or is missing so that the
greatest possible safety can be obtained when using the chain
Repair of a particular system
When a particular system on the chain saw is to be repaired,
proceed as follows:
1. Look up the page for the system in question.
2. Carry out the sections:
• Dismantling
• Cleaning and Inspection
• Assembly
Target group
When producing this Workshop Manual the assumption has
been made that personnel who use it have general knowledge
in the repair and service of small engines.
The Workshop Manual must be read and understood by
personnel who will carry out repair work and service on the
chain saw. The Manual is also suitable for use when training
new employees.
Modifications will be successively introduced on the chain saw
during production. When these modifications affect the service
and/or spare parts, separate service information will be sent out
on each occasion. This means that in time this Workshop
manual will become out of date. In order to prevent this, the
Manual should be read together with all service information
concerning the chain saw in question.
Special tools must be used during specific steps. All service
tools are listed in the Workshop Manual. Usage is evident from
respective sections.
Always use Husqvarna’s original:
• Spare parts
• Service tools
• Accessories
Position references to components inside the figures are
designated A, B, etc.
The position references restart in each new section.