38 - English
Repair Instructions
Observe cleanliness when assembling the car-
burettor. The slightest contamination can result in
1. If throttle and choke valves with shafts, lever
arms and springs are removed, these must be
assembled. The spring is tensioned 1-2 turns.
Lubricate the shaft bearings using a light oil.
2. Fit the fuel screen W using the handle of a
small screwdriver. See gure 39.
3. Fit the gasket X in the carburettor as well as the
holder Y. Screw in place screw Z as outlined in
gure 39.
4. See gure 39 on how to assemble the
AutoTune AB unit with gasket.
Note! When replacing the AutoTune unit or car-
burettor with an AutoTune unit, the unit must rst
be programmed before it can be used. Refer to
the local support page for more information.
Cleaning and inspection
Clean all units in clean petrol.
Use compressed air to dry the petrol on the com-
ponents. Direct the air through all channels in the
carburettor housing and ensure that they are not
blocked. Check the following:
1. That the gasket, pump and control diaphragms
are undamaged, as well as the gasket between
the carburettor body and the autotuner.
2. That there is no play on the throttle and choke
valve shafts.
3. That the needle valve M and its lever arm Q are
not worn. See gure 38.
4. That the fuel screen W is intact and clean. See
gure 39.
5. That the inlet manifold V is intact. See gure 39.
6. Use the service tool, Engine Diagnostic Tool
576 69 23-01, to inspect the AutoTune unit.
See separate instruction.
Fig 39