speed, there is greater chance of kick-
back occurring.
l Use extreme caution when reentering
a cut.
l Do not attempt cuts starting with the tip
of the bar (plunge cuts).
l Watch for shifting logs or other forces
that could close a cut and pinch or fall
into chain.
l Use the specified Reduced- Kickback
Guide Bar and Low-Kickback Chain.
Avoid Pinch-Kickback:
l Be extremely aware of situations or ob
structions that can cause material to
pinch the top of or otherwise stop the
l Do not cut more than one log at a time.
l Donottwistthesawasthebariswith-
drawn from an undercut when bucking.
Avoid Pull - In:
l Always begin cutting with the engine at
fuueed and the saw houstng agarnst
l Use wedges made of plastic or wood.
Never use metal to hold the cut open.
Stand to the left of the saw
Never reverse hand positions
A good, firm grip on the saw with both
hands will help you maintain control.
Don’t let go. Grip the rear handle with
your right hand whether you are right or
left handed. Keep the fingers of your left
hand around, and your left thumb un-
der the front handlebar. Keep your left
arm straight with the elbow locked.
l Position your left hand on the front han-
dlebar so it is in a straight line with your
right hand on the rear handle when
making bucking cuts. Stand slightly to
the left side of the saw to keep your
body from being in a direct line with the
cutting chain.
l Stand with your weight evenly bal-
anced on both feet
l Do not overreach. You could be drawn
or thrown off balance and lose control.
l Do not cut above shoulder height- It is
difficult to maintain control of saw
above shoulder height.
A WARNING: me following features
are included on our saw to help reduce
hazard of kickbac .; however, such features
will not totally elimtnate this danger. Do not
rely only on safety devices. Follow all safety
rules to help avoid kickback and other
forces which can result in serious iniurv.
Handguard: designed to reduceVthe
chance of your left hand contactin
$uu your hand slips offthefront
Posit& of front and rear handlebars,
designed with distance between han-
dles and %-line” with each other. The
spread and ‘in-line’ position of the
hands provided by this design work to-
getherto give balance and resistance in
controlling the pivot of the saw back to-
ward the operator if kickback occurs.
Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar, de-
signed with a small radius tip which re-
duces the size of tie kickback danger
zone on the bar tip. This type bar has
been demonstrated to significantly re
duce the number and seriousness of
kickbacks when tested in accordance
with ANSI B175.1.
Large Radius lip
l Low-Kickback Chain, has met kick-
back erformance requirements when
on a representative sample of
chain saws below 3.8 cubic inch
displacement specified in ANSI 8175.1.
Contoured Depth Gauge
Elongated Guard Link
DeRects Kickback
Force And Allows
Wood To Gradually
Ride Into Cutter
Can Obstruct Material
Wti High
Kickback Potential
ANSI 8175.1-l 991 ‘American National
Standard for Power Tools - Gasoline
Powered Saw - Safety Requirements.”