Engine will not
start or will run
only a few
seconds after
1. Ignition switch off.
2. Engine flooded.
3. Fuel tank empty.
4. Spark plug not firing.
5. Fuel not reaching
1. Move ignition switch to ON.
2. See “Difficult Starting” i n
Operation Section.
3. Fill tank with correct fuel mixture.
4. Install new spark plug.
5. Check for dirty fuel filter; replace.
Check for kinked or split fuel line;
repair or replace.
Engine will
not idle
1. Carburetor requires
2. Crankshaft seals worn.
1. See “Carburetor Adjustment” in the
Service and Adjustments Section.
2. Contact an authorized s ervice dealer.
1. Air filter dirty.
2. Spark plug fouled.
3. Chain brake engaged.
4. Carburetor requires
Engine will not
lacks power,
or dies under
a l oad.
1. Clean or replace a ir filter.
2. Clean or replace p lug and r egap.
3. Disengage chain brake.
4. Contact an authorized service dealer.
1. Too much oil mixed with
1. Empty fuel tank and refill with
correct fuel mixture.
Always stop uni t and disconnect spark plug beforeperforming all o f
therecommendedremedies below exceptremedies thatrequire operationof theunit.
Chain moves
at idle speed.
1. Idle speed requires
2. Clutch requires repair.
1. See “Carburetor Adjustment” in the
Service and Adjustments Section.
2. Contact an authorized service dealer.
Husqvarna Forest & Garden Company
(”Husqvarna”) w arrants H usqvarna pr oduct
to theoriginal purchaserto befree fromdefects
in material and workmanship from the date of
purchase for the“Warranty Period” of the prod-
ucts as set forth below:
Lifetime Warranty: All tiller tines ag ainst
breakage, trimmer shafts, ignition coils and
modules on han d held product.
3 Year Warranty: Spindles (on Zero Turn
Riders and Commercial W alk--Behinds)
2 Year COMMERCIAL Warranty: Husq-
varna Commercial Turf Equipment -- zero
turn riders, wide area walks, and grounden-
gaging commercial equipment.
2 Y e a r N ON--COMMERCIAL Warra nty: Au-
tomatic mower , riding lawn mowers, yard and
g ard en tract ors, wal k behind mow ers, tillers,
chain sa ws, t r immers, b ru shcu tte rs, clea ring
saws, snow blowers, hand h eld blowers, b ack-
pack blo wers, hedge trimmers, electrical pro
u cts a nd power--a s sist co llection syste ms for
no n --comm ercial, no n--prof ess ional, non--insti-
tutional or non--income producing use, except
as herein stated
Emission con t ro l system compo nent s neces-
sary to comply with CARB--TIER II and EPA
regulations, except for those components
which a re pa rt of en gine systems manufac-
tu re d by third party en g ine manu fa ctu re rs fo r
which the purchaser has received a separate
warranty with product information supplied at
time of purchase.
1 Year Warranty: Power cutters, stump
grinder,pole p runersandpolesaws fornon--
commercial, non--professional, non--institu-
tional ornon--incomeproducinguse.All trim-
mers, brushcutters, clearing saws, hov ering
trimmers, stick edgers, backpack blowers,
hand held blowers, hedge trimmers, and
power--assist collection systems used for
commercial, i nstitutional, professional, or in-
come producing purposes or use.
Batte ri es have a one year prorated limited
warranty with 100% replacement during the
first 6 mo n t hs.
90 Day Warranty: Automatic mower , chain
saws, power cutters, stump grinders, pole
saws, pole pruners, s now throwers, mode l se-
ries 58 0& 600walk--behindmowers, andcom-
mercial turf equipment or any Husqvarna prod-
uc t use d f or co m m er c ial, ins titut ional,
professional, o r income producing purposes or
use except as othe rwise provided herein.
Husqvarna Safety Apparel ca rries a 90--d ay
warra n ty from the date of the customer’s origi-
nal purchase for defects in material and work-
manship. Normal wear, tear or abuse is no t
covered under warranty . Product must be re-
turned to Ch arlotte with a wa rranty claim form.
All care and maintenance instructions must be
followed as stated b y the manufa cturer on the