English – 123
Seal assembly in the plastic flange
1. Place the plastic flange on a flat and
firm surface.
2. Fit the seal using the assembly punch
until it bottoms on the flange shoulder.
Seal assembly in the crankcase
Some saws have a sharp edge on the crank-
shaft which can damage the seal. The as-
sembly sleeve should be used when working
on these saws. See ”Tools”.
1. Fit the seal using the assembly
2. The seal should be fitted using the
measurements for each saw as shown
in the instructions on the next page.
Seal assembly in the oil pump
1. Place the oil pump on a sleeve (A) with
an inner diameter greater than the
seal’s outer diameter.
2. Fit the seal (B) using the assembly
punch so that the surfaces (C), are
After fitting the seal assemble:
On the starter side:
• Starter
• Flywheel
• Generator (if fitted)
On the clutch side:
• Chain and bar
• Oil pump
Eng, p 83-124 96-09-13, 11.39123