There are 5 types of service lists – All, Favourite, Bouquet, Satellite, Alphabet - to find services you are interested in quickly and easily.
All service list displays all searched TV or Radio services sorted by service number. Favourite service list displays favourite services
with automatic sub-groups and 4 sub-groups that you can organise services by your private taste. Bouquet service list displays
services with several bouquet subgroups. Satellite service list displays services classified by satellites. Alphabet service list displays all
searched TV or Radio services sorted by service name.
5.1 Switching Services
1. Press the OK button while watching a programme to display the service list.
You can also display the service list using the MENU-SELECT
2. Press the COLOUR button to display the corresponding service list.
RED (All service list), GREEN (Favourite service list), YELLOW (Bouquet
service list), BLUE (Satellite service list), WHITE (Alphabet service list)
3. Select your desired service using the
button, and press the OK button to change to the selected service.
Note: Whenever you press the TV/RADIO button while the service list
is displayed, the service list will be switched between TV and
Radio service list.
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