9.1 Status
The Status menu (MENU-INSTALLATION-STATUS) provides checking tools such as status information of system and signal level of
1. STB Status
You can view the information on the H/W and S/W version, device driver
version, S/W last update, loaded version, system ID and current service.
When you contact your service provider or local product distributor, this
information may be required.
2. Signal Detection
You can view the signal level and signal quality of the current service.
3. STB Upgrade
You can enter the required values and upgrade the STB software.
• Antenna Alternative : Select antenna alternative which has different combinations of settings for search. Antenna Alternative 16 is
predefined for SMATV.
• Frequency: Enter transponder frequency.
• Symbol Rate: Select or enter transponder symbol rate.
• FEC: Select FEC(Forward Error Correction).
For detailed information about STB Upgrade, refer to 11. Software Update.
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