HDTV receiver for super-crisp images
The CXHD-1000C from HUMAX is one of the very first HDTV cable receivers for the new high-resolution television format.
Thanks to the latest MPEG-4 technology and improved DVB-C r eception, the CXHD-1000C is set for the standards of the
future while still serving the classical SDTV (PAL) standard. With the CXHD-1000C, you can enjoy crystal-clear pictures
tomorrow without having to give up y our favorite programs today.
In addition to being able t o r eceive all available HDTV programs, the HUMAX CXHD-1000C also supports all SDTV
programs. The smartcard slot opens up a whole new world of exclusive television experience, including a spectrum of
Pay-TV options.
2. High definition
1. Standard definition
HDTV 1920š1080
HDTV 1280
PAL 720
ƗHDTV stands for High Definition Television, the high-resolution
television of the future (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 and MPEG2).
ƗMPEG4/H.264 is an improved compression process for digital
television and HDTV, a successor of MPEG2.
Ɨ1080i and 720p HDTV video formats:
"p" stands for "progressive" and "i" for "interlaced" images.
ƗCXHD-1000C uses the latest image enhancement technology to
make even SDTV programs appear sharper than ever,
using a HDMI or YUV output.
ƗSDTV stands for Standard Definition Television, which is the basic
PAL signal.
Characteristics and functions