
CCuutt aalloonngg ddootttteedd lliinnee aanndd ffoolldd ffoorr aa qquuiicckk aanndd eeaassyy rreeffeerreennccee ttoo kkeeeepp iinn yyoouurr ppuurrssee oorr wwaalllleett..
TToo rreemmoottee ssttaarrtt//ssttoopp uussiinngg yyoouurr rreemmoottee
Press twice to start and twice again to stop the remote start.
TToo lloocckk//uunnlloocckk uussiinngg yyoouurr rreemmoottee
Press once to lock and once again to unlock the vehicle doors.
TToo uussee ttiimmeerr mmooddee
Press both and buttons twice simultaneously. The parking
lights will flash four times to confirm entry into timer mode operation
(ignition off only).
TToo uussee PPiitt SSttoopp mmooddee ((eennggiinnee rruunnnniinngg))
Parking brake On, transmission in Park, ignition On.
Press twice or activation input twice (don’t hit the brake pedal)
Exit and lock vehicle.
To Exit pit stop mode, enter vehicle.
Place the ignition key to the On (not start or crank) position.
Depress brake pedal or press twice.
TToo rreemmoottee ssttaarrtt//ssttoopp uussiinngg yyoouurr rreemmoottee
Press twice to start and twice again to stop the remote start.
TToo lloocckk//uunnlloocckk uussiinngg yyoouurr rreemmoottee
Press once to lock and once again to unlock the vehicle doors.
TToo uussee ttiimmeerr mmooddee
Press both and buttons twice simultaneously. The parking
lights will flash four times to confirm entry into timer mode operation
(ignition off only).
TToo uussee PPiitt SSttoopp mmooddee ((eennggiinnee rruunnnniinngg))
Parking brake On, transmission in Park, ignition On.
Press twice or activation input twice (don’t hit the brake pedal)
Exit and lock vehicle.
To Exit pit stop mode, enter vehicle.
Place the ignition key to the On (not start or crank) position.
Depress brake pedal or press twice.