
© 2005 directed electronics, inc.
TToo aarrmm tthhee ssyysstteemm
You can arm the system by locking the doors with your factory keyless
entry transmitter. When the system arms, your will hear a short horn
honk, and see the parking lights flash once.
TToo ddiissaarrmm tthhee ssyysstteemm
To disarm the system, unlock the doors using your factory keyless trans-
mitter. You will hear two horn honks, and the parking lights will flash
DDiissaarrmmiinngg wwiitthhoouutt aa ttrraannssmmiitttteerr
Turn on the ignition. Press the Valet® switch the programmed number of
times within 10 seconds. The system should now disarm. If it does not,
you may have waited too long. Turn the ignition off and on and try
TToo eenntteerr oorr eexxiitt VVaalleett
Turn ignition to “run” position, then turn to “off” position. Press and
release the Valet®switch within 10 seconds. The status LED will light
solid if you are entering Valet® Mode, and it will go out if you are exit-
ing Valet® Mode.
RReemmoottee VVaalleett
Open any door. Press the lock button on your transmitter. Within one
second, press the unlock button on your transmitter. Within one second,
press the lock button on your transmitter again. The status LED will stay
on if you have entered Valet® Mode, and it will go out when exiting
Valet® Mode.
CCuutt aalloonngg ddootttteedd lliinnee aanndd ffoolldd ffoorr aa qquuiicckk aanndd eeaassyy rreeffeerreennccee ttoo kkeeeepp iinn yyoouurr ppuurrssee oorr wwaalllleett..