Section 5 – Data Field Descriptions
Dial Tone Detection
0 = disable
1 = enable
If enabled, the system waits for true dial tone. If no dial tone is detected,
control dials at end of pause programmed in field *42.
If disabled, the system pauses for seconds entered in field *42, then dials.
NOTE: Disabling may be necessary in high-noise environment telco
networks where noise can be confused with dial tone, resulting in
premature dialing.
Ring Detection Count
Enter 00 to disable ring detection.
Enter 01-14 for ring counts of 1-14.
Enter 15 to select Answering Machine
Defeat Mode
Only applicable if using a 4285/4286 VIP Module and/or if station-
initiated downloading will be used.
Do not enter 00 if a 4285/4286 is installed.
In the Answering Machine Mode, the caller should let the phone ring
once, then hang up, and call again within 30 seconds. The system, upon
hearing one ring followed by nothing, does not answer the first call, but
readies itself to pick up on the first ring of the next incoming call that is
received within 30 seconds (i.e., the downloader calling again).
Must be 00 for UL installations.
Primary Format
0=Low Speed; 1=Contact ID; 2=ADEMCO
High Speed; 3=ADEMCO Express
Enter the reporting format for the primary telephone number.
Low Speed Format (Primary)
0 = ADEMCO Low Speed
1 = Sescoa/Radionics
Enter the low speed format for the primary telephone number.
Secondary Format
0=Low Speed; 1=Contact ID; 2=ADEMCO
High Speed; 3=ADEMCO Express
Enter the reporting format for the secondary telephone number.
Low Speed Format (Secondary)
0 = ADEMCO Low Speed
1 = Sescoa/Radionics
Enter the low speed format for the secondary telephone number.
Checksum Verification
Enter 2 digits, one for the primary and one
for the secondary.
0 = disable
1 = enable
If enabled, the system for either or both primary/secondary formats sends
a verification digit to validate the message at the receiver without having
to send two message rounds. Selection is valid for 3+1, 4+1, and 4+2
Sescoa/Radionics Select
0 = disable
1 = enable
If disabled, selects Radionics, which uses hexadecimal 0-9, B-F reporting.
If enabled, selects Sescoa, which uses only numeric reporting (0-9).
NOTE: The selection applies to both primary and secondary phone
Dual Reporting
0 = disable
1 = enable
If enabled, all reports are to be sent to both primary and secondary phone
NOTE: If used with Split Reporting option 1 (1*34), alarms go to both
primary and secondary numbers, while all other reports go to secondary
only. If used with Split Reporting option 2, alarms go to both lines,
open/close and test messages go to secondary only, while all other reports
go to primary.